Thank you kindly for your interest in this school. You intereset must me great for you to be here reading this now. Here are further details.
Our schools are located at:
Korumdalen, 1541 Varteigveien ,1894 Rakkestad, Norway
Tidselbjereg Hestecenter, Tidselbjergvej 2, Thorsø, Denmark
Perämäentle 126 luopa, Finland
Being a Hoofman and a teacher since 2001 I can to talk for hours and hours on this subject. To be honest, to describe the school in a few paragraphs is quite a difficult task,111 so share with you the things that mean the most to me.
To trim a foot so the horse can perform to the best of its ability is primary in the school. But there are times when the horse may not be so willing to let you do that. This is where your horse passion comes in. To find out why the horse does not want to cooperate with you. Nearly all cases it is because it can be quite uncomfortable to merely raise the legs. In our school you'll learn how to solve these problems to make the experience are comfortable. To find that confort is a passion of mine. To locate were the resistance is coming from and solving it.
Over all, Barehoof Strategy is a professional hoof health and trimming course that focuses on the safety and comfort for both the horse and human. Since 2007 I have been providing a campus style environment to deliver a world class, in depth equine hoof education, that builds a clientele base as you progress.
We will meet 7 sessions, totalling 30 days of in class including field study.
We have online field study assessments.
We offer hands on experience of live horse trimming and cadaver legs each session.
We offer on demand student/customer support via phone, or video messaging.
We provide a starter set of hand tools with knives and rasp and your study materials. The text book must be bought separately.
We offer full comfortable accommodation and all food requirements at our campus.
We offer fun hoof and horse talk well after the school day ends as we all stay on campus together.
The Study of equine leg and hoof anatomy is the foundation of the study of Barehoof Strategy. We then use this understanding, both inside and outside, to give us insight and guidelines to trim the hoof capsule. This provides the horses in our care, bio mechanical performance at its best.
The curriculum is very thorough, fun, and challenging. In detail, students can expect lessons in factual theory, in-depth equine anatomy, physiology, internal and external bio-mechanics, multiple cadaver dissections, and group trimming exercises, throughout the year. Guidance in horsemanship for the hoofman (hoofmanship) will be demonstrated and practiced, to help relieve the horse's body of tension that will make the job far more comfortable for both you and the horse. We call it TLC, tender loving care. We will address working with the young, old, scared, abused, and kickers.
You can expect live horse trimming on and off campus. Your personal case studies will be reviewed on screen as a group for futher guidance. In our class room, the sharing of each others experiences is a value added experience. We will discuss guidance in understanding of how important the role of diet and environment is. We will expose the myths of the ‘bad hoof‘ and and how to improve,if not solve all external hoof conditions. What was once thought to be a life time of poor performance or bad quality feet, will be clearly explained as to why the excuses were never true.
Rehabilitation, conformation assessment, laminitis, navicular issues, shelly foot, seedy toes and heel comformations, white line disease, thrush are just a fraction of what we cover. We seek these issues and identify them from their earliest beginning. We work to slow or stop them before they get worse. These will be just some of the skills our students will use to help owners and veterinarians. Our Students learn to make wise choices with sound judgment for the best interest of the horse, up to and including, knowing when a horse is not offered or is not suitable for a barehoof life style. We work to develop a good working relationship with the horse owner, veterinarian and farrier which as a team, can only aid in the decision making process. Students can expect to get hands on practical trimming from session one, wasting no time to in achieving the skills needed to be a professional hoof trimmer. By the design of this course, all graduates will have an active clientele the day they graduate. This is a very exciting choice to make. Working with horses, has given me the single most sense of freedom that a work place could ever provide.
This educational experience will ask of you to perform 100 trimming case studies (100 trims not 100 different horses). You will take before and after photographs and document the trim itself. This workflow will provide to you a second study of what you did, a very valuable practice in your learning process. We document everything publicly. Since our start in 2007, we have published thousands of fully documented case studies from the students of the School of Barehoof Strategy. www.smugmug.glasshouse.com is where you can see them. Students will produce their own photo journal histories, videos, on an interactive internet portfolio.
Each student write a research paper on a topic that is of interest to you and to your audience. Together we will select and refine this topic. The paper will be added to our schools library of research papers written exclusively by our students.
In this school, I, Dan Guerrera will be your instructor. I has taught equine hoof science in 26 countries, 6 veterinary universities on 4 continents. I am a graduate of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School, and horseshoes will be discussed as needed. The studies within the principals of BareHoof Strategy are absolutely not related to the trimming of a desert like foot, nor a Strasser like foot. The success of our efforts are from providing a perimeter load assisted foot. School of Barehoof Strategy is respectful of all other schools of thought. On the campus of our school, we focus on an approach that has given our students the reputation of safe and sound trimming. By respecting the structures the hoof the horse and the thought of ‘It is not just knowing what to take off, but more importantly, it is knowing what to leave on’. Being aware of the comfort level of the horse is paramount.
So, lessons on anatomy, trimming, body work, group projects,, a research paper, are just a fraction of what each student can expect. So yes, we are looking for the student who really this passion to do this. One who want to raise the bar and refine their professionalism with horses. We want to make the world a better place by providing better hoof care. Yes, that’s a lot in one year. But when the year is complete, the graduates of the School of Barehoof Strategy are ready to take on the work many have turned away.
An important last note, when you are done, when you have graduated, you can look into the eyes of each of your classmates and know that the graduates of this year and past years have all done the same to earn the achievement of what it took to be a graduate, and become a professional barehoof trimmer.
If there are questions that need answering, feel free to email me, anytime.
All the best everybody, hope to see you in the classroom! Good luck to the students of class 2024/2025.